India: The Super Power
India vs Bharat - Urban-Rural divide and its spiritual dimension
Emerging Threats to Environment
Youth Participation in Democracy
Opportunities for Youths in Globalised Era
Is Media Far Away From Reality?
Role of Corporate Sector in Nation Building
Combating Corruption
National Security
Developing Grassroots Leadership
State of Women Empowerment Today
Commitment by all political parties of India to select 50% youth candidates for parliament, Assembly and Local Bodies elections.
Opening up of two hundred vocational training institutes in two hundred Naxalite affected districts of India to train the local youth only.
Two mandatory workshops about RTI per year in each village to contain corruption and Red Tapism.
Limiting the unrestricted consumption of electricity in urban centers and to reduce the load shedding hours in villages.
Setting up of khadi textile units in each district of Maharashtra to generate employment in rural areas and to reduce the widening divide between rural and urban areas.
Commitment of each youth to plant & protect one tree in the life time.
Capacity building training for one month for all people residing in urban slum areas.
Election to be conducted to constituting student councils in all colleges of Maharashtra.
One month workshop for every 6 months in each village to impart computer literacy and creating awareness about its need.
To facilitate inter-state annual study tours for college students at concessional fares to be provided by the ministry of Railways, Govt. of India.
To increase the number of Women police personnel by 3 fold in the present police force.