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2nd Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad - 2012


  • Politics of development 

  • Where is India’s Obama?

  • Saving the planet: is it too late? 

  • Join politics – lead your India

  • Corporate social responsibility (csr) - BUSINESS BEYOND PROFIT: 

  • Corruption-free India: dream or reality? 

  • Yes, India can...

  • Social networking for social action


  • We the student Leaders assembled here at the Second Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad, Pune, India, hereby resolve and appeal to the Government of India to formulate policies that seek to widen representation of the youth in all democratic institution from Gram Panchayat to the parliament, considering the fact that more than half of India is below 30 years of age.

  • We the student Leaders assembled here at the Second Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad, Pune, India, hereby resolve and appeal to the Central & State Government of India to give top priority to socio-economic justice in order to usher in an era of sustainable development to minimize the rift between the rich and the poor.

  • We the student Leaders assembled here at the Second Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad, Pune, India, hereby resolve and appeal to the Government of India to launch the “National Leadership Development Mission” to groom the young enthusiastic student leaders, having a Global Vision based on Gandhian Ideology.

  • We the student Leaders assembled here at the Second Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad, Pune, India, hereby resolve and appeal to the Government of India to implement the concept of PURA (PROVIDING URBAN AMMENITIES TO RURAL AREA), envisaged by former President of India, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, which will certainly help in minimizing the urban rural divide.

  • We the student Leaders assembled here at the Second Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad, Pune, India, hereby resolve and appeal to the Government of India to formulate suitable rules and regulations so that the bio-diversity rich regions and fragile ecological regions do not fall under the ambit of land acquisition.

  • We the student Leaders assembled here at the Second Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad, Pune, India, hereby resolve and appeal to the Government of India to constitute a committee consisting of members from national & regional parties to seek consensus to debar the candidates with criminal background from contesting elections at any level.

  • We the student Leaders assembled here at the Second Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad, Pune, India, hereby resolve and appeal to the Government to ensure that the educational institutions established in the corporate sectors across the country provide reservations for the students coming from the marginalized sections of society.

  • We the student Leaders assembled here at the Second Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad, Pune, India, hereby unanimously resolve and pledge not to indulge in any corrupt practices and further we wholeheartedly commit ourselves to transform the dream of “Corruption free India” into reality.

  • We the student Leaders assembled here at the Second Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad, Pune, India, hereby resolve and appeal to the Government of India to strengthen the NAM (Non Aligned Movement) to safeguard the interests of underdeveloped countries and intensify its fight against undemocratic regimes, hunger and poverty in those countries.

  • We the student Leaders assembled here at the Second Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad, Pune, India, hereby resolve to make social networking a tool of social development, where all the developmental issues will get priority, so that government could utilize it as a reliable source of public opinion.


  • 1.         To make specific legislations to curb the most horrifying criminalization of Indian Polity and also to wipe out the curse of hideous corruption being faced by India.

  • 2.         To constitute an Expert Committee comprising of legal luminaries, constitutional experts, social thinkers, visionary leaders of different political parties and able administrators at the earliest, so as to save this world’s Largest Functioning Democracy from further deterioration.

  • 3.         Appeal to all the political parties of India, not to give candidature to any person having proven criminal and /or corrupt background for any of the elections, right from the Gram Panchayat to the Parliament.

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