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3nd Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad - 2013
  • Resolve Conflicts - Seek Peace

  • Dying Farmer and a Growing Economy

  • Politics : Don’t Hate, Be a Part of It

  • Politics : Through the Eyes of Indian Cinema

  • Young India - Old Leaders

  • Vibrant Corporate for Vibrant India

  • Embrace Diversity - Promote Unity

  • Poverty: A Greater Terror?


  • We the student leaders assembled here in the 3rd Bharatiya  Chhatra Sansad hereby appeal to the central and  state government to constitute Peace committees compromising local citizens, surrendered Naxalites, youth representatives from the respective districts and  members of the civil society to have a dialogue on sustainable basis for peaceful solutions in eighty Naxal affected districts of the country.

  • We the student leaders assembled in the 3rd Bharatiya  Chhatra Sansad hereby to the Government to make an Agricultural Price Commission autonomous to prevent hoarding, trade malpractices and  to prevent political interference in the price mechanism to protect farmer’s interest.

  • We the student leaders assembled here in the 3rd Bharatiya  Chhatra Sansad appeal to the Government to enact law for all national and  regional parties to reserve fifty percent candidateship for youth between 25 to 45 in all types of elections to promote youth participation in politics .

  • We the student leaders assembled here in the 3rd Bharatiya  Chhatra Sansad hereby appeal to the government to make provision for effective implementation of skill enhancement training programs for poor and  underprivileged communities, which will create quality human resource I in the country.

  • We the student leaders assembled here in the 3rd Bharatiya  Chhatra Sansad hereby appeal to the government to amend the judicial process so as to keep a six month deadline for the trial and verdict of a rape case. Also, new provisions for punishment need to be made in order to prevent threats to witness in a rape case.

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