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8th Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad - 2018


  • Indian Democracy in Black & White

  • Triple Talaq : The Drama and Discontents

  • Casteism in Indian Democracy : Problems & Prospects

  • GDP (Gross Domestic Product) Vs. GDH (Gross Domestic Happiness)

  • Be Mature : Save Nature

  • Satyagraha : 100 Years of Mahatma in India


  • Session 1: Indian Democracy in Black and White

  • We the student leaders assembled here in the 8th Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad hereby appeal to strengthen Democratic Institution by ensuring timely implementation of Jan Lokpal Bill from the upcoming Budget Session and appointing Lokayuktas.

  • Session 2: Triple Talaq: The Drama and Discontents

  • We the student leaders assembled in the 8th Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad hereby resolve to develop an atmosphere of trust and harmony so as to push government to implement uniform civil code to ensure every citizen of this country irrespective of sex, caste and religion are treated with equality and dignity.

  • Session 3: Casteism in Indian Democracy: Problems and Prospects

  • We the student leaders assembled here in the 8th Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad hereby pledge to end the centuries long demarcation of village setups on caste line and appeal the government to bring an act which will ensure that people of all castes and religions will peacefully co-exist

  • Session 4: GDP Vs GDH

  • We the student leaders assembled here in the 8th Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad hereby appeal to the government and publish Gross Domestic Happiness Index as an official indicator along with Gross Domestic Product and ensure and bring an act in parliament for mandatory social audit of all governments spending.

  • Session 5: Be Mature: Save Nature

  • We the student leaders assembled here in the 8th Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad hereby appeal to the government to increase our forest cover from approximately 20% to 30% within next one decade and also appeal to the government to make adherence to sustainable development parameters mandatory for public and private investments and to include all elements of mother nature in ‘Sabka Vikas.

  • Session 6: Satyagraha: 100 years of Mahatma in India

  • We the students assembled here in the 8th Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad hereby appeal to all political parties to take Mahatma Gandhi beyond posters, rhetoric and tokenism and to rather focus on his life teaching and 11 vows and include them as a part of school education system.

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