Sami Mohammad Al-Sulaiman
Ambassador of Kuwait to India
“Such kinds of conclaves can prove a sort of training ground for future leadership in a parliamentary democracy. I wish grand success for this conclave.”

Andrej Babis
Former Secretary, Dept. of Education, Philippines
“Democracy has to be protected all the time or it just might slip away from our hands. It is therefore heartening to learn about Indian Student Parliament, because we believe
that any undertaking with a clear and noble purpose has a far better chance of success.

Indra Nooyi
Former Chairperson & CEO, Pepsico
“I extend my best wishes to this initiative and wish it all the success.”

Magnus Carlsen
Eminent International Chess Player
“Thank you for your invitation to attend the Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad. I regret I shall not be able to attend due to previous engagement. Best of luck for your program”.

Oprah Winfrey
Well-known TV Talk Show Host,
American Media Executive
“We will certainly reach out if we think there may be an opportunity to work together in the future. We wish you
all the best with the Indian Student Parliament”.

Gianfranco Fini
ormer Speaker of Italy’s
Chamber of Deputies
“Your initiative demonstrates that those within your nation who are more active in politics and society are deeply aware of the challenges confronting today's democracies”

Pilar Alvarez-Laso
Director & Representative of
UNESCO to Uzbekistan,
Former Asst. Director-General,
Social & Human Sciences Sector, UNESCO
“Allow me to congratulate you on this important initiative, which is very much in line with the priorities of the UNESCO
Program on Youth. Wish you every success for the event“.

Nisha D. Biswal
President, US India Business Council
Former Assistant Secretary,
South and Central Asian Affairs
Department of State, United States
“I look forward to hearing about the knowledge and experience you will be sharing, the connections you will
be building, and most of all the change that you will be making in India and the World”

Condoleezza Rice
Denning Professor, Global Business & Economy, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Former U.S. Secretary of State
“Wishing all the best and a successful event..”

Satya Nadella
Chief Executive Officer,
Microsoft Corporation
“We wish you a successful event, and thank you again for
your thoughtful invitation.”