Message From Global Leaders

António Guterres
United Nations Organization
We appreciate your kind invitation. Nevertheless, allow me to take this opportunity to convey best wishes for the success of the event
Ban Ki-moon
Then Secretary-General, United Nations Organization
"You are part of the largest generation of young people our world has ever known. We must work together to help young people make the most of their energies, ideas and leadership potential"

I am pleased to send my greetings to all the young people gathered for the Indian Student Parliament. You gather at a time of profound turmoil, transition and transformation. Insecurity, inequality and intolerance are spreading around the world. Governments are wasting vast and precious funds on deadly weapons while reducing investments in people. Too many people in power seem wilfully blind to the threat of climate change.
India is at a pivot point in its own history. In many ways, it faces the classic dilemma of a middle-income nation. On the one hand, we see India as the rising global power. On the other hand, India faces many of the challenges of a developing nation. For both these Indias, great opportunity awaits.
This is an era of great uncertainty, but also one of profound opportunity. No single leader, country or institution can do everything. But each of us, in our own way, can do something. Together, as partners, we can meet today's tests and seize the opportunities of an era of dramatic change. Please accept my best wishes for a rewarding gathering.

Jan Eliasson
Former Deputy Secretary General,
United Nations Organization
The Parliament’s theme, “Inspiring Youth, Strengthening Democracy,” and objectives are very much aligned with the Secretary-General's five year action agenda for youth.
I commend the Indian Student Parliament for providing this important platform that will help prepare youth for the future leadership of India and for having brought together so many perspectives to address important challenges that youth are facing. The Parliament's theme, “Inspiring Youth, Strengthening Democracy,” and objectives are very much aligned with the Secretary-General's five year action agenda for youth. My congratulations on the successful outcome of the event
Irina Bokova
Then Director - General, UNESCO, Paris
Let me commend this initiative of the MITSOG Pune, India. Everywhere I travel I am inspired by the energy and the commitment to change that comes from young people

Let me commend this initiative of the MIT School of Government, Pune, India. Everywhere I travel I am inspired by the energy and the commitment to change that comes from young people. Young people are one billion strong in the world. They carry a billion hopes for a better world. The year 2011 will be remembered as the year the young people decided to take the torch of human dignity and speak up for human rights. It resulted in an unprecedented movement for democracy, justice and peace. Young people must be considered as actors for change and not simply as beneficiaries. They are already changing the world; they are enriching the culture and media. It is the role of UNESCO to give them the skills and tools to do so in ways that strengthen the ties between cultures that protect human rights and fundamental freedoms. Quality education is the starting point. If we combine the hopes of youth with quality education, there is nothing we cannot achieve. This is where UNESCO will continue to fight, to provide each and every girl and boy with everything they need to share their ideas and act on them. Indian Students Parliament is another unique opportunity for you to debate ideas in a democratic spirit, to envision ways to make the world a better place. Be imaginative, generous and ambitious. As your great Mahatma Gandhi put it be the change you want to see in the world. You are not only the leaders of tomorrow, you are the leading actors of today.
I wish you every success in your discussions..

Martin Chungong
Secretary General, Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) (Union of Parliaments of 163 Nations Geneva, Switzerland)
Without young people in politics, democracy is incomplete and policies cannot be properly articulated, well designed and fully implemented.
Dear participants to the ISP, Namaste! I would like to congratulate you on your considerable enthusiasm in participating in this magnificent event that gathers young people from all corners of India, the world's largest democracy. I would like to commend in particular, Mr. Rahul Karad, Founder and Convenor, for his relentless efforts to inspire young people from India to get involved in the public affairs of their country by fostering open debate and dialogue.
Although we may be physically thousands of miles apart, we are united in our common pursuit to ensure youth participation in politics and decision making, which is part and parcel of the IPU's objectives and areas of work. Dear Students, for those of you who do not know the InterParliamentary Union, the IPU is the world organization national parliaments. Over 170 parliaments are the members of the organization representing more than 6.5 billion people. The IPU promotes democratic parliaments. A democratic parliament is one that is representative, transparent, accessible and accountable, including young people. (Video Message was also conveyed during 10th Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad)
Patricia Scotland
Secretary General, Commonwealth of Nations
Such participation and readiness to learn more about how you can offer your talents for the common good and in service of your fellow citizens shows a laudable spirit of public service.

Having been a parliamentarian and now a Secretary General of Commonwealth, it is a real pleasure to address you at the conclusion of the Indian Students Parliament. I most heartily commend you all for taking part. Such participation and readiness to learn more about how you can offer your talents for the common good and in service of your fellow citizens shows a laudable spirit of public service. I urge you to remember that as well as being citizens of a great nation, India, you are citizens of a great global family of nations, the Commonwealth!
It is striking at such gatherings to see the productive interaction between participants working together, thinking together and learning from one another, whether they represent large and populous nations, small and vulnerable island states, vast economies or fragile, less developed countries. I am sure, you have found that whatever your specialist subject or discipline, and regardless of your personal areas of interest, this time at the students parliament has enriched your understanding of the value of discussion and debate and deepened your appreciation of the perspectives others contribute.
My Best Wishes for the Success of the conclave and commend the work you and all involved in convening the 10th annual conclave Indian Student Parliament are doing to deepen understanding of and adherence to the Commonwealth priorities of Democracy and Development.
Anders B. Johnsson
Former Secretary General, Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) Union of Parliaments of 163 Nations Geneva, Switzerland
You are not the world’s first student parliament, you are probably not the world’s oldest one either, but I dare say that you might well be the world’s largest one because you belong to the country which has the world’s largest democracy.
I am very humbled as I sit here and I see you through my screen. I am very honored and pleased to have this opportunity to talk to India’s upcoming leaders who are gathered here in MIT campus in Pune for the 3rd Indian Student Parliament.You are not the world’s first student parliament, you are probably not the world’s oldest one either, but I dare say that you might well be the world’s largest one because you belong to the country which has the world’s largest democracy. I was curious to see in your program you are discussing and encouraging young people like yourself to be a part of the political processes. I do think that it is extremely important that you do take part and that you take your own responsibility in politics. I have said that in our organization we deal with the issues of the society, this is very important issue for society and we welcome it. I have a great feel of admiration for what you all are trying to do.
Kamalesh Sharma
Former Secretary General, Commonwealth of Nations
We welcome your efforts to train and encourage your active participants in the democratic processes.
It is a pleasure to greet you as you assemble for the Indian Student Parliament. We say that the heart of democracy beats in our parliaments. The admirable aims of this exercise of inspiring youth and strengthening democracy correspond with the value we try to promote in the Commonwealth.
I would encourage you to join with those of your fellow students throughout our worldwide family by participating in the Commonwealth Student Body. We welcome your efforts to train and encourage your active participants in the democratic processes.
You are sure to find participation in the 3rd Indian Student Parliament a rewarding experience and I wish you all joy and success in your deliberations and your debates.

Jarvis Matiya
Former Chairperson, Executive Committee Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
India's young population is its most valuable asset, the young people as a future of the Commonwealth.
It is also great to see organizations like the MIT University working to strengthen democracy through a forum like this one. As you know the CPA is a voice of parliamentary democracy across the Commonwealth and has been for over a century since its establishment in 1911, promoting a parliamentary development and up skilling members of parliament. It brings together 70000 or over parliamentarians from 180 legislatures across the Commonwealth. As the largest democracy in the world, India which is one of the fastest growing economies in world, today it is home to a seventh of the world’s youth. Half of which population is under 25 and a quota is below the below the age of 14. India's young population is its most valuable asset, the young people as a future of the Commonwealth. As such India has a long recognized the importance of young people to the future of Commonwealth society
Alan Haselhurst, MPJ
Former Chairperson, Executive Committee Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
I am a deep believer in the importance and value of youth engagements in politics and governance and I support your endeavors to this end.

I am a deep believer in the importance and value of youth engagements in politics and governance and I support your endeavors to this end. I have been chairperson of the Commonwealth Youth Exchange Council and in my current capacity as Chairperson of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, I have campaigned to institutionalize the Commonwealth Youth Parliament as an annual event. I wish the organizing team great success