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BCS Methodologies

Conceptualization of BCS is done by adopting strategically planned methodologies which are strictly designed by researchers and academicians with due diligence to quality deliverables at the end of each session of BCS

Conduct of Session:

Academic Sessions are based on various themes which reflect the important issues facing India/World currently. The sessions are initiated by the Vice Chancellors. Four student leaders express their views on the given topic  before any other speaker so that they are not influenced, pressurized or burdened by the views of the other speakers. The Speakers of state assemblies speak next for 10 minutes. Adarsh Yuva Vidhayak Puraskar (Ideal Young MLA Awards) are given away to two young MLAs. This is followed by speeches by Eminent Speakers who speak for 20 minutes each, followed by Q & A session. The Resolutions are put to voting towards the end of the session. This is the general methodology followed for all 8 sessions, while allowing for last minute alterations as per the demands of the situation.


Vice Chancellors:

The Vice Chancellors are amongst the most esteemed constituents of Bharatiya Chhatra/Yuva Sansad. They have the honour of putting forth their views at the beginning of each session and set the tone of discussion. The effort is to provide an opportunity to each and every Vice Chancellor of each university across India to put forth his/her views. A selection panel shortlists VCs of those universities which have not been represented in the earlier editions of the Bharatiya Chhatra/Yuva Sansad and invites them to participate.


Student Speakers: 

​A fair selection methodology is adopted while selecting the students who speak as representatives of the students during each session. A selection panel is formed comprising of faculty and other experts, who review the VCDs/DVDs received from those registered students who wish to speak on the given topic. The criteria adopted for selection is relevance of topic, content of speech, body language, confidence level etc. Based on this, the shortlisted students have to perform before the selection panel before the start of the Conclave.  4 students who excel in the above mentioned criteria are finally selected to speak during each session.


Adarsh Yuva Vidhayak Puraskar (Ideal Young MLA Award):

The practice of awarding the Adarsh Yuva Vidhayak Puraskar was started during the 3rd Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad. In each session, one or two young MLAs are felicitated for following sound democratic and parliamentary practices in their constituency.


Assembly Speakers: 

The Speakers of all Legislative assemblies of India are intimated about the conduct of the Conclave well in advance. Invitations are sent to selected Speakers to be the Chairpersons of the sessions. Usually, the Speakers of assemblies not represented in the earlier editions of BCS are invited to occupy the Chair.


Main Speakers/Eminent Speakers: ​

Very eminent personalities from various fields like Politics, Media, Entertainment, Judiciary, Corporate, Bureaucracy etc are invited as Main Speakers or Keynote Speakers for each session.  At times, more than one Main Speaker is invited depending upon the subject of discussion and the availability of the eminent personality.



Felicitation of guests is a deep-rooted Indian tradition.  At BCS, we have imbibed this tradition as a mark of respect to every contribution of every individual.  The eminent speakers and other dignitaries along with student speakers are felicitated with a shawl and a memento.


Q & A Session:

Participating Students send in their questions on a printed format to the volunteers allotted for each seating block. The volunteer collects these questions and sends them to the selection committee present near the dais. The committee examines the relevance of the questions and selects an optimum number of questions depending upon the time available, but usually not less than 4. As the Q&A session starts, each selected student's name is announced who then goes to a podium kept beside each block and asks the question to the eminent speaker of the session.


Adarsh Yuva Adhyatmik Guru Puraskar:

n India, it is a heartening factor that there are many spiritual leaders belonging to the younger generation also. This is a clear indicator that the Indian youth is not devoid of spirituality. These young spiritual leaders or Yuva Adhyatmik Gurus, who have made a mark on the society by bringing in positivity are considered eligible for this Award, which also encourages them to carry on with this task as a mission.


Adarsh Yuva Adhyatmik Guru Puraskar:

In India, it is a heartening factor that there are many spiritual leaders belonging to the younger generation also. This is a clear indicator that the Indian youth is not devoid of spirituality. These young spiritual leaders or Yuva Adhyatmik Gurus, who have made a mark on the society by bringing in positivity are considered eligible for this Award, which also encourages them to carry on with this task as a mission.


Bell of Democracy:

This is a bell made of brass mounted on a steel stand.  The ringing of this bell symbolically reaffirms our faith in the continuance and strengthening of democracy in the country. It is rung during the Inaugural and Valedictory Sessions by the dignitaries on the dais .


Ekta Sutra:

Ekta Sutra is the Bond of Unity, which signifies the coming together of all the student and youth leaders of India in a show of solidarity and oneness for nation building. All the participants and personalities on the dais tie short pieces of string together to form a long, unbroken chain of unity, reaffirming their faith in the unity and integrity of India. This ceremony takes place at the end of the Valedictory Session, signifying the end of the 3-day conclave.


Release of Balloons:

Tri-coloured balloons are released in the sky at the hands of the invited dignitaries before the Inaugural Session commences. This act symbolically signifies to the entire country that an important event is about to take place for the strengthening of democracy in India.



An oath is administered to the participants, in which they reaffirm their faith in the unity of India and pledge to work diligently to strengthen the democracy of the country. It is usually (but not necessarily) administered by a spiritual leader who is invited as an Eminent Speaker for one of the academic sessions.



At the end of each session, a relevant resolution on the topic discussed is proposed, which is sent to the various decision-making authorities if passed by a majority by the participants. The voting options are 'Yes' and 'No'. It is displayed on the screen in the auditorium and the participants vote via SMS.


Youth To Youth Connect:

Youth To Youth Connect - Instilling a sense of community ownership through meaningful live projects


Let's Work Together

Be a part of BCS Students' Council as The District Coordinators  and the State-UT Coordinators as elected members.

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